Mission Statement
Created by the State of New York as a public benefit corporation, it is the mission of the Buffalo Fiscal Stability Authority (“BFSA”) to provide financial oversight over the budgets, financial plans and capital plans of the City of Buffalo and its covered organizations. BFSA shall undertake such actions as afforded to it under its enabling legislation, as necessary, to assure the financial stability of the City and its covered organizations, to preserve the confidence of the investors and bond rating agencies, to uphold essential services to residents, to maintain affordable property taxes, and to protect the economy of both the region and the State as a whole. Reaffirmed: July 26, 2023
Directors and Staff
List of Board Committee Members
Statement of Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors of the BFSA
Authority Mission Statement and Performance Measurements
1. Vacant (Chair)
2. Jeanette T. Jurasek (Interim Vice-Chair)
Former President of Medaille College
Appointing Entity: Governor, State of New York
Appointment Date: February 23, 2012
Term Expiration: June 30, 2017
3. Andrew San Filippo
Former Executive Deputy State Comptroller, New York
Appointing Entity: Governor, State of New York
Appointment Date: February 2, 2021
Term Expiration: June 30, 2027
4. Christopher P. Scanlon (member ex-officio)
Mayor - City of Buffalo
Appointing Entity: Ex-officio member
5. Frederick G. Floss
Professor of Economics & Finance, State University of New York, College of Buffalo
Appointing Entity: Governor, State of New York
Appointment Date: November 17, 2009
Term Expiration: June 30, 2017
6. Mark C. Poloncarz (member ex-officio)
Erie County Executive
Appointing Entity: Ex-officio member
BFSA Staff
Jeanette M. Robe, CPA (Executive Director) Former Deputy Comptroller, City of Buffalo and Former Senior Manager, Deloitte & Touche, LLC
Nikita M. Fortune, BA (Administrative Assistant)
Bryce E. Link, MPA (Principal Analyst/Media Contact)
Nathan D. Miller, BS (Senior Analyst II/ Manager of Technology)
Claire A. Waldron, CPA (Comptroller)
Procurement Opportunities
There are no procurement opportunities at this time. Please check back.
Press Releases
Contact Buffalo Fiscal Stability Authority
The BFSA was created to oversee the financial operations of the City of Buffalo and the covered organizations (Buffalo School District, the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, the Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency, and the Joint Schools Construction Board).
The directors and staff of the BFSA place a high value on input from the public. Such correspondence is actively sought and is vital to the success of the organization.
Input may cover, but is not restricted to, a wide range of areas.
Suggestions for input include:
- Reducing costs;
- Improving service delivery; and
- Enhancing revenues.
Submissions are encouraged however not required to include contact information. Personal information may remain confidential, as requested.
The following are various methods in which public input can be submitted:
Contact us by email:
Mailing Address:
Ellicott Square Building
295 Main St., Ste 800
Buffalo, NY 14203